Troubleshooting and Tips

  1. Cannot type Vietnamese characters after installation

  2. Accent marks do not combine to form Vietnamese characters

  3. Type Vietnamese text but see strange characters

  4. Still see strange characters after selecting a Vietnamese font

  5. Some upper-case Vietnamese letters do not appear

  6. Do not want accent marks to combine in Vietnamese mode

  7. Want to have editing keys such as  r, b, x after an accented character

  8. Want to enter the escape (\) as normal text

  9. Want to enter \V or \M or \L or \S as normal text

  10. Want to enter the wake-up sequence \WK! as normal text in Sleep mode

  11. When does combination work?

  12. How to turn off combination in Vietnamese and English modes?

  13. How to turn off combination completely?

  14. Combination still happens after it is turned off

  15. Cannot switch modes by keyboard commands \V, \M, and \L.

  16. Strange characters appear in Microsoft Word 6, Word 97, Word 200X, Robohelp HTML 200X

  17. Additional spaces appear in Microsoft Word in Clipboard mode

  18. Problem when typing Han Nom characters



1. Cannot type Vietnamese characters after installation


Make sure you have started WinVNKey.  WinVNKey will then become active in Vietnamese mode until you change the mode explicitly.  Next click the "Options" button.  Make sure there is a check in the box for "Type Vietnamese characters."  If not, click the "Default" button at the bottom.  Then click OK.


Now open an editor that allows font switching, then type in the following example in a Vietnamese font:

Type:                a'       (2 characters:   a  and ' )

Should see:       á        (single character)

You can select a Vietnamese font before or after typing, depending on your application.  


Several possibilities:





2. Accent marks do not combine to form Vietnamese characters



3. Type Vietnamese text but see strange characters

Probably you have not selected a correct Vietnamese font, the text is in a font not designed for the character set you have chosen.  Another possibility is that you have not turned off the "Autocorrection" features in Microsoft Word, Robohelp, etc.



To fix it, select the text and then change it to a Vietnamese font.  Note that VISCII fonts usually have Vietnamese names with a prefix "VI" such as VI University.   VNI fonts use a "VNI" prefix.  VPS fonts usually have a "VPS" prefix,  ABC fonts usually have a dot (.) prefix such as ".VnTime."


If you don't know how to change fonts in your editor, chances are that your editor does not support font switching, such as edit.  However, there usually is a way to change the font; consult your editor manual.


4. Still see strange characters after selecting a Vietnamese font


5. Some upper-case Vietnamese letters do not appear

This may happen in some but not all applications.  The work-around is to

Vietnamese fonts usually come in pair: a normal font and a Hoa (meaning capital in Vietnamese) font.  A Hoa font have all lower case letters appear in capital form.  The name of a Hoa font usually ends with an H suffix.  For instance, "Minh Quân" (normal) and "Minh QuânH" (capital) are a pair of Vietnamese fixed-width VISCII fonts that look like Courier.


6. Do not want accent marks to combine in Vietnamese mode

You want to end a sentence with a period or a question mark, but it combines with your ending vowel, such as in:

Anh ddi dda^u?     → Anh đi đâủ        (? combines with u)

To^i ddi cho+i.  → Tôi đi chơị    (. combines with i)


Solutions: Use an escape character (backslash) or a retrieve key.  Of course, the retrieve key is inactive by default.  You have to turn it on

Anh ddi dda^u\? → Anh đi đâu?

Anh ddi dda^u?r → Anh đi đâu?

To^i ddi cho+i\.  → Tôi đi chơi?

To^i ddi cho+i.r  → Tôi đi chơi?



7. Want to have editing keys such as  r, b, x after an accented character

In other words, you don't want r, b, x to play the role of editing keys.  You can simply precede them with an escape character, or uncheck the "use editing accent keys" box in the Viet Chars page (click on the hyperlink "Typing Method" on the Main control panel).




Example:  To get 4 normal characters: No'r, just type No'\r


8. Want to enter the escape (\) as normal text

In Vietnamese or English mode, simply type \\ (double backslash).  In Literal or sleep mode, need only \ (one backslash).


9. Want to enter \V or \M or \L or \S as normal text

This is not an issue when you uncheck the box for "Switch mode  keyboard commands" on the Advanced control panel.  You only need to type \ twice to get a single backslash, then type next V, or M,  or L, or S.




If you checked the switch mode box, you still have no trouble in sleep or off mode because WinVNKey is inactive as if it were never running.


In Vietnamese or English mode, remember the escape character, \, always makes the next character normal unless it is V, M, L, or S.  So typing \\ gives a single backslash.  Thus typing \\V, \\M, \\L, \\S all give \V, \M, \L, \S.


In Literal mode, all characters are normal except the backslash when it is immediately followed by V, or M, or \L, or \S.  Thus you can make \ normal by following it with a letter, and then backspacing to erase it. For instance, typing \, a space, a backspace, and V will give \V.


10. Want to enter the wake-up sequence \WK! as normal text in Sleep mode

If you did not check the switch mode box on the Keyboard Options" dialog (see topic 9), then this is not an issuẹ


If you checked the box, then the main idea is to not type 4 keys \, W, K, ! exactly in that sequence.  Thus you can disrupt the ordering with backspacing, such as type \W, then a backspace to erase W, then type WK!.  Without using a backspace, you can type \WK!\\WK!\S, or \WK!\L\WK!\S.


11. When does combination work?

Combination can happen only in two modes:

WinVNKey looks at all vowels and d, D for possible combination; e.g.,  To^i ddi ho.c Tôi đi học

WinVNKey does not check for combination until you type an escape character.  If you then type a vowel or d or D, this character becomes combinable with the next character (for single accent) or the next two characters (for double accents). eg.,  I love Vi\e^.t Nam  I love Việt Nam


12. How to turn off combination in Vietnamese and English modes?

  1. Using escape characte -- precede the accent mark with an escape character.

eg., Anh ddi dda^u\? → Anh đi đâu?

  1. Using CTRL key -- press and release the CTRL key before typing the accent mark.

eg., Anh ddi dda^u<press then release CTRL key>? → Anh đi đâu?


By default, characters do not combine in English mode; eg., I go home.  I go home.  (the ending period does not combine with the preceding vowel e).


13. How to turn off combination completely?

Combination is completely off in the following cases:

     (a) switch to Literal mode in WinVNKey control panel, or typing \L

     (b) switch to Sleep mode in WinVNKey control panel, or typing \S

     (c) switch to "Off" in WinVNKey control panel..


14. Combination still happens after it is turned off

     (a) Did you follow step13 to turn off combination?

     (b) If combination still occurs, then check the following:

Do you have another Vietnamese keyboard, perhaps from diifferent authors like VPSkey or Vietkey or Unikey running at the same time? If yes, quit them.


15. Cannot switch modes by keyboard commands \V, \M, and \L.




16. Strange characters appear in Microsoft Word 6, Word 97, Word 200X, Robohelp HTML 2000


This issue never happens if you are using Unicode character sets.  So skip this topic if you are using Unicode.


This issue happens only when you use any 8-bit Vietnamese character sets such as VISCII, VPS, ABC, VNI, DHBK, etc (except Windows codepage 1258).


The basic problem is you type in correct Vietnamese letters but see them changed to completely garbage characters.  This is due to the fact that MS Word supports an autocorrection feature, which automatically replaces your typed characters  with something else. You have to turn them off.  


The following shows the procedures for Word 6, 97/2000, 2002/2003, but the general idea is the same for any versions of Word or RoboHelp.  In general, for Word, you go to the Tool menu at the top, then select an AutoCorrect menu.  Then go over each tabbed page and uncheck all options that try to change the characters you type in.  


Word 6:

Check "Auto Format" under "Format" menu and "Auto Correction" under "Tools" menu.


Word 97, Word 2000:  From top menu "Tool" → Autocorrect..










Word 2002, Word 2003

Tool →  AutoCorrect Options to display the following tabbed control as follows:











RoboHelp HTML 2000


Tool → Spell Options → Options tab: uncheck the box for "Auto-correct when possible"





  1. Additional spaces appear in Microsoft Word in Clipboard mode


This happens only in Unicode charset using clipboard methods (CTRL-V or SHIFT-INSERT).  Word 2000 or later has an option called "Smart cut and paste," which automatically supplies spaces surrounding the pasted text.  To fix this, simply turn off this option as follows:


Tool → Options → Edit:  tab: uncheck the box for "Smart cut and paste"





  1. Problem when typing Han Nom characters


If you encounter any problem in typing Han Nom characters, please read the help in the Han Nom Manager.  Simply click on the very top button of the Manager and select the Help menu.  A Help dialog will appear that offers help on many topics:


1. Where to download Han Nom fonts?

2. How to type a Han Nom character using Vietnamese?

3. How to type a Han Nom character using a Unicode value?

4. How to choose a Han Nom font?

5. How to set up surrogate fonts?

6. Why do I see two empty boxes instead of a single Han/Nom character?

7. Why does the Han Nom character go to a wrong Window when I click on it?

8. What do the different character colors mean?

9. Can I right click on each character?

10. What about Chinese font "SimSun (Founder Extended)"?



Next Topic:  WinVNKey Technical Details

Last Topic:  Known bugs and Work-around