Replace Fonts





This page allows users to define a list of what fonts are to be replaced with what.  This list is called font replacement table and each table has a name.  You can name the list freely but the name should be meaningful.


Add Row

If you click on the Add Row button, a new row will be inserted into the table.  Both the source and destination font names are shown as "...".  You then click on each downward arrow to display a dropdown list of fonts to choose a font.


Add From File

If you want to add to the first list the names of all fonts actually used in an RTF file, you can click on this button.  A dialog will appear as follows:



Once you have chosen an RTF file, all fonts actually used by text will be listed in column 1 of the Replacement Font table.  



List box menu

You can right click inside the list box to display a dropdown menu as shown below:



This menu is functionally equivalent to the "Add Row" button


If you see some arrows disappear or too many arrows appear, you can refresh the table with this Refresh menu.


When you click on any arrow inside the list box, WinVNKey will display a dropdown list of font names to choose.  What if the font you want is not in the list?


To solve this problem, WinVNKey provides three types of dropdown lists but only one list can be displayed at a time.   You can choose which list to be active by right-clicking anywhere inside the table and selecting an appropriate menu option:


  1. Display system fonts:  

Displays all fonts currently installed in your system.  This would be identical to the list of all fonts you would see in Microsoft Word font list.


  1. Display RTF file fonts:

You will be prompted for an RTF file.  WinVNKey will collect all font names actually used in the file and will display this list whenever you left click on a combobox arrow.


  1. Display "My Own List Of Font Names" :

If you want to display names of fonts that are not installed in your system and are not in any RTF files, you must use a text editor like Notepad to put the font names in a special file named "My Own List Of Font Names.txt".  Then if you choose this third option, WinVNKey will display the font names listed in this file whenever you left click on a combobox arrow.



Table menu

Clicking on the downward arrow of the Table button displays the following menu:


Creates a new table from scratch


Saves the current table under a different name.


See discussion in the next section


Launches Windows Explorer and displays the "ReplaceFont" folder where all tables are stored as .INI files.


Opens the current table with Notepad so that you can edit directly if you want


Opens the file badchars.txt with Notepad so that you can edit directly if you want


Opens the file "My own list of font names.txt" with Notepad so that you can edit directly if you want


Makes a copy of the current table and puts it in the "Backup" subdirectory of the "ReplaceFont" folder.


Restores the backup copy from the Backup folder.


Deletes the current table from disk.



How to specify capital fonts

If a destination font is from single-byte character sets such as VISCII, VPS, ABC, you can optionally specify the capital font in the third column.  For example, suppose you want to convert from Unicode Arial font to VISCII font AnhMinh.  Normally this is fine as long as the text does not contain "bad" capital such as characters Ẳ, Ẫ, Ỹ, etc that do not show up in AnhMinh.


When WinVNKey encounters these bad characters, it automatically switches to the appropriate capital font that is associated with the regular font in the second column.  But how does it know the name of the capital font?


WinVNKey knows the capital font names based on its internal database.  But the database is incomplete and may be incorrect.  So you can help WinVNKey by specifying exactly what capital font you want in the third column.  For example, if the second column is AnhMinh, you should specify AnhMinhH in the third column.


If the third column does not show up in the table, you can force it to show up by clicking on the downward arrow on the "Table" button, then selecting the menu "Show Capital Font Column".





List of bad characters

Single-byte character sets like VISCII, VPS, ABC, DHKB1, etc ave Vietnamese characters in font table slots usually forbidden by Windows and certain applications such as:



This list is maintained by WinVNKey in <INSTALLDIR>\FontReplace\badchars.list. You can manually edit the list if you want to accommodate specific need.


Following is the font table for "MinhQuân 1.1" when displayed by WinVNKey under Windows 2000.  The table shows many characters are missing from row 0x10 and 0x80 and 0x90.





Why do some characters appear as empty square boxes?


The answer is they are designed in the forbidden slots of the font table.   Normally these characters are upper case.  So when this happens, users can type in the lower case and select a capital font so that the characters appear as upper cases.


WinVNKey can automate this process in RTF conversion by allowing users to specify capitol fonts in the third column of the replacement font table.  When WinVNKey encounters a character whose hex code is listed in the bad list, <INSTALLDIR>\FontReplace\badchars.list, it will automatically convert the character to lower case and switch to the capital font.


Next Topic:  Check charsets

Last Topic:  Convert Rich-Text-Formatted (RTF) file