Check charsets




This page allows users to associate each font with a font conversion table, such as "VI Times" with "Viscii.txt".   Note that "VI Times" is a VISCII font and "Viscii.txt" is a text file specifying the mapping from VISCII to Unicode.


In general each font is used exclusively for a character set.  All fonts in the same character set are usually converted to Unicode in the same way.   However, this is not always true.  For example, "VI Times" is a regular VISCII font and "VI Times H" is a capital VISCII font.   Because of differences in regular and capital fonts, they are converted to Unicode differently.   The conversion for "VI Times" is specified in the conversion file Viscii.txt   and for "VI Times H" in Viscii-Capital.txt.   Another example is VNI fonts.  Although the character set "VNI for Windows" is double byte and need no capital fonts, all VNI fonts are not the same.  Some have different foreign characters in the same locations in the font table.  



Therefore each font is usually characterized by a unique conversion file, which specifies the mapping from characters in the font to characters in Unicode.   Winvnkey allows users to associate each font with a conversion file via the user interface.


The table above lists font names in column 1 and the corresponding conversion files in column 2.  If a conversion file is wrong, you can do as follows:

  1. click on the downward arrow to choose the correct one,

  2. or manually edit the file  


based on the instructions therein.


After you make all the changes, click on the Save button to save your changes to file CheckCharset.ini.

How to enter font names in first column

You cannot type font names directly in the first column.   The only way to put font names into the first column is through the two combo boxes at the top.



The first combo box is always labeled as "Get font names from".  It selects the source of your font names, which can come from



If the first combo box is RTF Files, the second combo box will be "RTF File(s)".   You can click on the button to choose RTF files or click on the combo box arrow to choose RTF files in the current working directory.  Once one or more RTF files are selected, all the fonts used in these files will appear in the first column of the table.




If the first combo box is "Font Replacement Tables", the second combo box will be "Font Table".   Once a table is selected, all font names in that table will be displayed in column 1.



If the first combo box is "System Fonts", the second combo box will be "Font Name".   Winvnkey will collect all the fonts currently installed in your system and put them into the dropdown list of the second combo box.  Once a font is selected, that font will appear in the first column of the table.  You can change your font selection and all selected fonts will accumulatively appear in the first column.



If the first combo box is "My Own List Of Font Names", the second combo box will be "Font Name".   Winvnkey will collect all the fonts listed in the text file

<INSTALLDIR>\FontReplace\My Own List Of Font Names.txt

and put them into the dropdown list of the second combo box.   Once a font is selected, that font will appear in the first column of the table.  You can change your font selection and all selected fonts will accumulatively appear in the first column.  Note that you can access this file through the button.



If the first combo box is "Database"   Winvnkey will collect all the fonts listed in the file


and put them into the first column of the table.  The second combo box disappears.  Note that you can access this file through the button.



Notes on capital fonts

In general, single-byte Vietnamese character sets like VISCII, VPS, ABC, DHBK1, VietWare_F, etc  have at least three different conversion files:


  1. Regular conversion file, e.g. Viscii.txt, used for regular fonts

  2. Capital conversion file, e.g. Viscii-Capital.txt, used for fonts  in which all lower-case English letters remain lower case and all other letters  are upper case (such as "VI Times H").

  3. All-capital conversion file, e.g. Viscii-AllCapital.txt, used for  fonts in which all letters are upper case (such  as "ÁnhMinhH 1.1", "MinhQuânH 1.1").


If you don't know whether a font is capital or all-capital, click on the "Check Capital" button  to go through a visual test to determine its capital type.


Double-byte character sets like VNI, DHBK-2, VietWare_X, Unicode, etc do not have capital fonts.  However, many VNI fonts contain extra foreign characters that are different  depending on the individual fonts.  If you use the conversion file VNI.txt, you will be able to  convert all Vietnamese characters correctly.  But if your text also contains foreign characters, they  may not get converted correctly.  Therefore, Winvnkey provides a limited number of conversion files for  a few VNI fonts to handle the foreign character conversion.  If a foreign character in a particular  VNI font is converted wrong, chances are you need a different VNI conversion file for this font.  You can define a new conversion file via the "Check Unicode Conversion" page by modifying an existing  VNI conversion file and saving under a different name.   If a programmer, you can go to the "FontSets" directory, make a copy of an existing  VNI conversion text file, then add or change the lines that describe the  conversion rule for the foreign characters of interest.



Next Topic:  Check capital fonts

Last Topic:  Replace fonts