If you cannot see any characters on any page of this manual, you should upgrade your "Times New Roman" fonts to version 2.95 or higher released in Windows XP or later. The date of these font files should be in 2001, such as 08/23/2001. Note that Microsoft's website
used to have free download of "Times New Roman" version 2.82. However, this version does not contain many accented Latin characters used in this help document.
Suppose you own a Windows XP machine and a Windows NT4 machine that are not networked together. Suppose further that the Windows directory is C:\WIN-XP on the XP machine and C:\WIN-NT4 on the NT4 machine.
First on your Windows XP machine, go to the Fonts directory under the Windows directory and copy the following 4 files to a floppy disk:
Directory of C:\WIN-XP\Fonts
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 347,988 times.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 334,944 timesbd.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 239,692 timesbi.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 248,368 timesi.ttf
4 File(s) 1,170,992 bytes
Then bring the floppy to your Windows NT4 machine and copy all four files to the Fonts directory under the Windows directory.
Directory of C:\WIN-NT4\Fonts
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 347,988 times.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 334,944 timesbd.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 239,692 timesbi.ttf
08/23/2001 05:00 AM 248,368 timesi.ttf
4 File(s) 1,170,992 bytes
Or you can use the File menu of Windows Explorer to install new fonts.
Now restart the help file and you will be able to read all Latin-based characters.