Go to Windows Control Panel, click on the icon for "Add/Remove Programs", and select "WinVNKey" package and delete it.
Alternatively, you can manually delete WinVNKey completely by using Windows explorer to
browse to <INSTALLDIR> folder and delete it. <INSTALLDIR> is usually
"C:\Program Files\TriChlor\WinVNKey" by default.
browse to the "Start Menu" folder and delete the Vietnam subfolder. For instance,
On Windows NT 4 with default installation, this is
"C:\Windows\Profiles\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Vietnam."
On Windows 2000 with default installation, this is
"C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Start Menu\Programs\Vietnam."
browse to <WINDOWS> directory and delete WinVMKey.ini (VM == VietmameseMultilingual) if it is there. This file is not available in certain releases of WinVNKey.