
Bản tiếng Việt

Site in Vietnamese

Vietnamese & multilingual Keyboard Driver for Windows


Basic and express Manual:

Download Winvnkey & Type Vietnamese



  1. Download WinVNKey
  2. Install WinVNKey
  3. Start WinVNKey
  4. Type Vietnamese
    1. Typing method: VIQR
    2. Typing method: VNI
    3. Typing methods: Telex
    4. Typing methods: Microsoft
    5. Typing methods: Tubinhtran-MS
  5. Type Vietnamese in Auditon game
  6. New shortcut method for Vietnamese entry


A.  Download WinVNKey


WinVNKey is free. The official versions are contained in: http://winvnkey.sf.net . On this page, click "Download" will open a page containing the official versions of WinVNKey. There are six different packages:

- 3 packages support Hán / Nôm (with Han / Nom) in format: EXE, RAR, ZIP.
- 3 packages do not support Hán / Nôm (without Han / Nom) in format: EXE, RAR, ZIP.

If you do not type the Han / Nom, then you can reduce the download time by selecting the package without Hán / Nôm (without Han/Nom).


You just download one package only. Normally you just download the package with the tail ending in .EXE as it supports automatic installation. However, the automatic installation may fail on some XP or Vista. In that case, you must download the package ending in zip or 7z. Package ending in 7z is in a compressed format like zip, but in smallest size.


When deciding which package to download, right-click it in that package, then select the menu "Save Target As ...", will display a box "Save As". In this box, we select the folder that we want WinVNKey is stored, then click the “Save” button, then WinVNKey will be download to the selected folder.


B.  Install WinVNKey


Download finished, unzip and install in your computer.
(If you are familiar with computer, you should not read this step. The experience is always as Next, Yes, Finish, etc ... Otherwise, you should read this step to avoid mistakes).

Open the WinVNKey folder just downloaded, double click on the file WinVNKey, a frame will appear as follows:


Click the image to open in full size.


Figure 1


Select "Yes", a Setup frame will appear and automatically jump to 100% as follows:


Click the image to open in full size.

Figure 2


After few seconds, Setup frame disappears and another frame will appear as follows:


Click the image to open in full size.


Figure 3

Select "Next" to continue


Click the image to open in full size.

Figure 4


Select "Yes" to continue.


Click the image to open in full size.

Figure 5

If we want to install WinVNKey in the directory selected as listed in the image above (C:\Program Files \ TriChor \ WinVNKey for NT), we select "Next" to continue. If we want to install WinVNKey in another folder, click "Browse". If we select "Next", a frame will appear as follows:


Click the image to open in full size.


Figure 6

Select "Next" to continue.


Click the image to open in full size.

Figure 7


Select "Next" to continue.


Click the image to open in full size.


Figure 8

Tick in 2 "Yes" boxes and click "Finish" to complete the installation.

C. Start WinVNKey

Start WinVNKey by click the words: | Start > All Programs > Vietnam > WinVNKey Multilingual for NT | as the following:



Figure 9


Start WinVNKey by click the words: | Start > C: > Program Files > TriChlor > WinVNKey for NT > WinNT > winvnkey.exe |.
You will see the icon New Pictureat the taskbar as this:


Click the image to open in full size.

Figure 10


Double click that icon to display the Main page of WinVNKey in default form as shown below. If you want to change the interface to Vietnamese or English then we press the button "Run" and select.



Figure 11: Main page WinVNKey in default.


From here, you can adjust WinVNKey to type text in Vietnamese and languages of other countries.


D. Type Vietnamese


WinVNKey support the principle of typing letter first, then the diacritic marks after. The marks can be typed immediately after the letter or typing after the word and WinVNKey will automatically put the mark in the correct order.

WinVNKey has up to 18 typing methods, we can choose any method. Following is how to use 5 popular typing methods: VIQR, VNI, Telex, Microsoft, Tubinhtran-MS.


1. Typing method: VIQR


First, you start WinVNKey by click: | Start> All Programs> Vietnam> WinVNKey Multilingual for NT |, will open the Main page of WinVNKey in default as shown below (like Figure 11 above ):



Figure 12: Main page WinVNKey for VIQR typing method.


If not change anything in the WinVNKey, you can type Vietnamese in typing method VIQR. This is the default typing method of WinVNKey.

VIQR (Vietnamese Quoted Readable) typing method uses the available signs on keyboard to type Vietnamese diacritics.



Figure 13: VIQR typing method.


Example:       Phấn son tô điểm sơn hà
                        Làm cho rỡ mặt đàn bà nước Nam

Typing:           Pha^’n son to^ ddie^?m so+n ha`

                        La`m cho ro+~ ma(.t dda`n ba` nu+o+’c Nam


2. Typing method: VNI


Press the arrow in the box "Typing Method" on Main page of WinVNKey to select 6. VNI as shown below:



Figure 14: Main page WinVNKey for VNI typing method.


VNI typing method using the number keys for typing the Vietnamese diacritics.



Figure 15: VNI typing method.


Example:       Phấn son tô điểm sơn hà
                        Làm cho rỡ mặt đàn bà nước Nam

Typing:           Pha61n son to6 d9ie63m so7n ha2

                        La2m cho ro74 ma85t d9a2n ba2 nu7o71c Nam


3. Typing method: Telex


Press the arrow in the box "Typing Method" on Main page of WinVNKey to select Telex 3 (free style) as shown below:



Figure 16: Main page WinVNKey for Telex typing method.


Telex typing method using: the repeat keys, the letters not in the Vietnamese alphabet, or the location of the letters not in the Vietnamese alphabet for entering the Vietnamese diacritics.



Figure 17: Telex typing method.


Example:       Phấn son tô điểm sơn hà
                        Làm cho rỡ mặt đàn bà nước Nam

Typing:           Phaasn son too ddieerm sown haf

                        Lafm cho rowx mawjt ddafn baf nuwowsc Nam


4. Typing method: Microsoft (còn có tên là TCVN6064).


Press the arrow in the box "Typing Method" on Main page of WinVNKey to select Microsoft as shown below:



Figure 18: Main page WinVNKey for Microsoft typing method.


Microsoft typing method helps us to type faster the characters â ê ô ă ư ơ đ because use only 1 keystroke.



Figure 19: Microsoft typing method.


Example:       Phấn son tô điểm sơn hà
                        Làm cho rỡ mặt đàn bà nước Nam

Typing:           Ph28n son t4 0i36m s]n ha5

                        La5m cho r]7 m19t 0a5n ba5 n[]8c Nam


5. Typing method: Tubinhtran-MS




Figure 20: Kiểu gõ dấu Tubinhtran-MS.


Example: Phấn son tô điểm sơn hà
                          Làm cho rỡ mặt đàn bà nước Nam

Typing:            Ph61n son t8 di73m s]n ha2

                           La2m cho r]4 m95t da2n ba2 n[ ]1c Nam


Tubinhtran-MS typing method helps us to type faster the characters â ê ô ă ư ơ đ because using only 1 keystroke. Basically, Tubinhtran-MS typing method is similar with Microsoft typing method, only different in selecting the key to define.

How to use Tubinhtran-MS typing method?

Press the arrow in the box "Typing Method" on Main page of WinVNKey to select Tubinhtran-MS as shown below:



Figure 21: Main page WinVNKey for Tubinhtran-MS typing method.


Note: Adjusted as above, we not only can type in Tubinhtran typing method, but also can type fast some pre-consonants:
- Typing f appears ph (eg: type fi → phi).
- Typing q appears qu (eg type qa → qua).
- Typing j appears gi (eg: type ja → gia).
- Typing k appears kh (if we just want k then quickly type 2 times the key k. The reason for choosing this way is because consonant kh preceding all vowels while k is only in the front of: i, ê, e).


E. Type Vietnamese in Audition game


To type Vietnamese in Audition, we adjust the Main page of WinVNKey as shown below:



Figure 22: Adjusting WinVNKey to type Vietnamese in Audition game.


·         Keyboard Setting: 1. Auto combine (Viet)

·         Charset: 9. Vietnamese in Windows 1258

·         Typing Method: Select VNI if you like VNI typing method , or Telex 1 if you like Telex. (or you can select Telex 2, Telex 3, Telex 4. After selecting, click the blue "Typing Method" words, it will appear a frame explaining that typing method).

·         Viet Option Page: 5. Syllable with free marking (Type mark anywhere & Combine with syllable).


After selecting, press the OK button to have the New Picturefigure in the taskbar, then we can type Vietnamese in Audition, even in very fast typing speed is not a problem.


F. New shortcut method for Vietnamese entry


We type shorthand (concepts of article "Shorthand of Vietnamese words") but through conversion software so the computer screen appears the complete Vietnamese words .
This new method saves more than 40% of the keystrokes. We save a lot more when use this approach together with another shorthand file of our own. This method is integrated in WinVNKey..


To understand this method, please read the article "New shortcut method for Vietnamese entry" in website Quick Vietnamese: http://chuvietnhanh.sf.net , or at the following link: http://vietpali.sourceforge.net/binh/PhuongPhapMoiGoTatChuViet.htm






- Author of Vietnamese original document: Hoc Dinh Ngo & TuBinh Tran

- Author of English translation: TuBinh Tran 

- Web design: TuBinh Tran