How to Reset WinVNKey?


Almost all the parameters of  the WinVNKey engine are stored in the following text files:




The Typing folder stores all typing methods that are listed on the "Viet Chars" page.  These methods include the six predefined typing methods plus all user-defined methods, if any.  This file was created when WinVNKey runs for the first time after installation.  It is updated whenever there is change in any typing method.


The first file stores a snapshot of the WinVNKey engine when it was last closed or saved.  Hence, it stores all parameters from every dialog. This file was created after WinVNKey ran for the first time after installation.   It is read back each time WinVNKey restarts.  It is updated every time WinVNKey quits.


You can delete these files to reset WinVNKey by using the following dialog:


  1. Activate WinVNKey control panel.

  2. Select Run menu button → Reset

  3. The following dialog appears:




There are two options:


This option deletes the preference file for the engine snapshot (winvnkey40.prefs).  All typing methods are not affected.


This option deletes the preference file for typing methods only (pageVietSettings.prefs).


In general, if WinVNKey becomes corrupt for some reason and you want to restore to the original state as if it were just reinstalled, the best way is to enable both boxes, click OK, and then restart WinVNKey.



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